



谷多科技专业经营仪器仪表、过程控制设备、控制系统、机械设备及配件,提供设备工程安装和调试服务,承接各种自动化控制交钥匙工程项目,是一家多功能型的公司,同时公司设有进出口贸易部,提供办理进出口业务,在香港、海南、上海、北京、西安设有销售服务办公室。向水/污水处理处理厂提供液位、流量、PH/ORP、浊度、悬浮物、溶解氧、污泥界面等测量仪表, 包括工程设备的安装和调试服务。向港口码头企业提供物料装卸控制设备和控制系统、集装箱装位置测量仪器、吊车运动行程控制测量系统相关机械件, 包括工程设备的安装、调试服务。向工业行业提供温度、压力、流量、料位、控制阀、速度传感器等仪器, 包括工程设备的安装、调试服务。提供进出口业务,推广各种高质量和高性价比的进口和国内产品。是一个技术型的服务公司和团体。专业团队真诚服务客户!Welcome to ShenZhen Good Science Co.,Ltd.GOOD-SC specialize in the supply of specialized products for the Water/Wastewater treatment Industry, Industrial process control and Machine industry etc. We have worked with our customers to insure a continued partnership with long term benefits for the customer, operation and end users. GOOD-SC has built a reputation on providing the customer with timely delivery of Equipment, Services and overall Project commitments. Our Main office is located at ShenZhen, There are HongKong,HaiNan,ShangHai,BeiJing and XiAn branch offices.Our staff and Principals strive to provide innovative solutions that both meet and exceed industry standards for municipal, utility and industrial sites. Our mission has always been to provide our customers with quality products and service.GOOD-SC is committed to constantly improving our products and services, and to continually maintain our high quality and standards in our products and personal skills. Our expert Sales staff is always there to help our customers select the best technology and equipment to fit both their budget and their requirements, without sacrificing quality or reliability.GOOD-SC always supply the best service and with smile to the customers!



  • 主营: 英国宝力克
  • 地址: 广东 深圳 宝安区宝安大道
  • 联系: 陈小姐
  • 手机: 18338136342
  • 电话: 0755-89028502
  • 本站共被浏览过 1257 次

