


  • 公司: 北京中企智电科技有限公司
  • 地址: 北京市昌平区沙河镇松兰堡村西B-223
  • 联系: 晁留生
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2020-03-13 06:50:31  427次浏览 次浏览
价 格:5700

Double conversion UPS

Qualified design for marine and offshore environment • DNV type approved UPS • BV type approved UPS • ABS design assessed • Compact design for saving space • Easy to install, mounting rails can be bolted or welded to the deck/bulk head • IP22 protection class • Vibration absorbers under and at the back of the cabinet • Maintenance from the front

Premium power performance • Double conversion provides the highest level of protection available by isolating the output power from all input anomalies. • Active power factor correction (PFC) provides 0,99 input power factor and less than 4,5% ITHD, thus eliminating interference with other critical equipment in the same network and enhancing compatibility with generators. • The UPS is optimized for protecting modern 0,9 p.f. rated IT equipment without the need to oversize.

True reliability • Patented Powerware HotSync® technology makes it possible to parallel up to four UPSs to increase availability or add capacity. The technology enables load sharing without any communication line, thus eliminating single point of failure. • ABM® technology charges batteries only when necessary, preventing batteries corrosion and prolonging batteries service life by up to 50%. • Internal automatic static bypass switch • Internal mechanical bypass switch

Extensive configurability • Configurable to frequency converter operation (50 Ô 60Hz and 60 Ô 50Hz) • A multilingual graphical LCD display makes possible to monitor the UPS status easily. • Wide software and connectivity options provide monitoring, management and shutdown capabilities over network.

Cost savings and sustainability • Small footprint saves valuable space in ship and rig installations. • Possibility for internal transformer or batteries eliminate the need for costly and space-consuming external cabinets. • A single technical platform used in Eaton´s UPS products guarantee easy upgrades and similarity in service, thus lowering total cost of ownership. • A range of service agreement options can be easily customized for customers’ needs and budget. • Eaton uses sustainable materials and highly efficient manufacturing technology, thus generating dramatic savings in carbon footprint as compared to competitive UPS systems.

双转换UPS 海洋和海上环境的合格设计•DNV型认可的UPS•BV型认可的UPS•经评估的ABS设计•节省空间的紧凑设计•易于安装,安装轨道可栓接或焊接到甲板/散货箱盖上•IP22防护等级•机柜下方和后部的减震器•维护从前面 的功率性能•双转换通过将输出功率与所有输入异常隔离,提供级别的保护。•有源功率因数校正(PFC)提供0.99输入功率因数和小于4.5%的ITHD,从而消除对同一网络中其他关键设备的干扰,增强与发电机的兼容性。•UPS经过优化,可保护现代0.9 p.f.额定IT设备,而无需过大。 真正的可靠性•获得专利的Powerware HotSync®技术可并行多达四个UPS以提高可用性或增加容量。该技术无需任何通信线路即可实现负载共享,从而消除了单点故障。•ABM®技术仅在必要时为电池充电,防止电池腐蚀并将电池使用寿命延长50%。•内部自动静态旁路开关•内部机械旁路开关 广泛的可配置性•可配置到变频器操作(50Ô60Hz和60Ô50Hz)•多语言图形液晶显示器可轻松监控UPS状态。•广泛的软件和连接选项通过网络提供监控、管理和关机功能。 成本节约和可持续性•占地面积小,节省了船舶和钻机安装的宝贵空间。•内部变压器或电池的可能性消除了对昂贵和占用空间的外部机柜的需求。•伊顿UPS产品中使用的单一技术平台保证了服务的简单升级和相似性,从而降低了总体拥有成本。•可以根据客户的需求和预算轻松定制一系列服务协议选项。•伊顿采用可持续的材料和的制造技术,与竞争对手的UPS系统相比,大大节省


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